2.45 p.m

4 min readOct 25, 2021

Gue baru aja sampe di mall, dan keadaannya sepi banget — compared to the usual. Mungkin karena ini hari Senin kali ya dan sekarang masih jam setengah 3an.

Oh ya, gue ga jadi minta Dimi untuk masang laptop gue yang kebelah dua. It such was a stupid favor to ask, i know — besides, kalaupun bisa dipasang lagi I bet it’d cost the same as buying a new one . So, instead of spending so much on that, I decided to just buy a new one and asked Dimi untuk nemenin gue, itung-itung jadi spokesperson, kan lumayan dia ngerti elektronik.

Terakhir gue ngechat dia katanya sih udah otw, but it was a half an hour ago he should’ve arrived by now.

My phone buzzed, dan ketika gue cek pas banget itu dia.

Panjang umur, I muttered.

“What was that?”

“Koh, lo bukannya semalem bilang mau jalan sama temen-temen lo, but then here you are malah nemenin gue beli laptop.”

“You wanted me to, right?” Dimi ngelirik gue lewat ekor matanya sekilas dan gue pun mengangguk sebelum Dimi kembali melirik layar HPnya.

“Yaudah,” he paused. “They’re upstairs anyway.” Gue cuma ngangguk canggung sebagai respon.

No more conversation. And must I tell you, gue bosen setengah mati.

I quietly eyed to the side and find the idea of staring at him by his side profile is exciting yet thrilling—I am thrilled by the idea of him caught me red-handed admiring the breathtaking views of his looks. That’d be the death of me.

He’s wearing his normal outfit, plain white t-shirt and black jeans and a silver necklace perched on his neck. He literally was just doing the barest minimum yet I needed to calm myself not to scream. And no, I am not exaggerating.

A shiver swirled through me and mother nature seems calling me back to earth as soon as I realize it’s been quiet sometimes I’ve been staring him and so I immediately directed my eyes back to the MacBook installation again. It’d be terribly humiliating to be caught staring at him like this.

I don’t know what took the staff’s so long to deal with the installation, but he seems nervous. It’s not like I have some important business to do or whatsoever but it really does took a little too long than the usual until Dimi turned off his phone and tossed the thing to my bag as if it was a freakin’ trash can and walked through the installation table.

“Mas, sorry. Saya aja.” ujar Dimi.

What now? Taking over that staff’s job? Such a man with action. Remind me if you caught me drooling.

Dan bener aja pas diambil alih oleh Dimi, installation laptop nya udah hampir selesai hingga tinggal beberapa step akhir dan Dimi ngebalikin ke mas-mas yang tadi.

“Maaf Mas tolong dilanjutin, saya ngga ngerti yang disini.” katanya.

But of course it was a lie. It was an easy step, even gue bisa nyelesaiin itu sendiri. Maybe he just don’t want to humiliate the staff even more by letting him finished his job.

“Gue keatas ya, lo udah kan?” tanyanya.

“Udah kok. Thanks ya Koh.” ucap gue sembari mengembalikan handphone dia yang sebelumnya dicemplungin kedalam tas gue.


It’s almost six tapi gue belum juga mau pulang. In fact, gue baru aja keluar dari bioskop. Ceritanya sih mau me time tapi zonk, salah banget pilih film soalnya didepan gue ada anak SMA ciuman. I wished someone would confront them to get a room, but nobody seems to care because they are bust with their own boyfriend/girlfriend and jealousy is burning up inside me.

Gue meraih handphone gue yang belum sama sekali tersentuh semenjak gue duduk di dalam and apparently something big was happening.

7 missed call from Dimi,

14 unread texts from Dimi,

3 missed call from Julian and

9 unread texts from Julian.

These guys. I released a soft chuckle.


“Lo masih di Gading kan? Ke Garden IMAX, Zee. Dompet gue kayanya kemasukan di tas lo.” ucapnya tanpa ba bi bu ata sekedar halo begitu kami tersambung

“Astaga. Yaudah sebentar.”

Agak jauh sih sebenernya dari cinema 1 — tempat gue nonton tadi — ke Garden IMAX mengingat gue sambil nenteng laptop baru and it is heavy enough for me to carry.

Sesampainya disana, I can immediately recognize them dan gue pun nyamperin mereka — well not them, Dimi doang sih.

I handed him a black leathered wallet. “Nih”

“Duduk dulu kali.” ujar Julian menepuk-nepuk kursi disebelahnya. Dan gue pun duduk disitu. There are another few people there and I’m guessing they’re Dimi’s & Julian’s “occasional” temen nongkrong because I barely know them.

“Do you mind?” tanya Dimi menaikkan tangan kanannya yang sedang memegang sebatang rokok yang belum dibakar.

“I have asthma” He immediately put down the cig and the others were tossing theirs to the porcelain ashtray.




Thanks for subscribing to my madness. @rothersfield on twitter